Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Almost Time!

So I'm down to the final week before I begin my New Zealand adventure. I have to say, I am more excited than anything else. With this being my first time out of the country, except for Canada, I have no idea what to expect. What I hope to find is a new culture that I will learn from. I have heard amazing things about New Zealand, and mixed opinions on the city of Auckland. These things have only lead me to one conclusion: I will have to see for myself.

It amazes me that after all of this preparation, this semester abroad has finally come together, and I am actually going. The past 6 months have been stressful, but when all is said and done, I think it will be completely worthwhile.

As far as goals for this semester, I am hoping that the next five months in New Zealand will open my eyes to a different culture, and help me gain a better perspective on my life and what I want to do with it. I think it is a especially interesting time to be spending abroad, considering it is my last semester as an undergrad and I have a lot of uncertainty about where my life is going to take me, post college life. I am going into this experience hoping to meet at many new people as possible. I believe that removing myself from my comfort zone of Boston, and my close friends, I am sure to grow in many ways.

Six months ago, I honestly don't know if I knew one thing about New Zealand. I had probably never heard of Auckland. As I looked for a study abroad opportunity, I was looking for a country that was mainly English speaking, something that would allow me to meet and interact with natives in my own language. After looking up New Zealand, I fell in love with its natural beauty. I thought, for my last undergraduate semester, I want to go to the country I feel that I will enjoy the most and get the most from, all while enjoying my last few months as a "care - free" student. And, about 5 months later, here I am packing all of my things to fly off to a relatively small country in the South Pacific. I am only sure of one thing: I can't wait.

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